Unlocking Efficiency: Eliminating the 6 Wastes in Sales and Marketing

In today's competitive business world, efficiency is the name of the game. Wasting precious resources, be it time, skills, or technology, can set a company back significantly. At Seating Matters, a forward-thinking organization, they have recognized this fact and are committed to optimizing their sales and marketing processes. In this blog post, we will dive into the enlightening conversation with Allison, a sales and marketing expert at Seating Matters, who shares how they are conquering the challenges posed by the Sales and Marketing Six Wastes.

The Sales and Marketing Six Wastes

You might be familiar with the concept of the "Eight Wastes," but at Seating Matters, they've taken a closer look at how these apply to a sales and marketing setting. Allison reveals that they've identified Six Wastes unique to their context, and they are wasting no time in addressing them. Let's explore each of these in detail:

1. Underutilized Skills: Fostering Team Collaboration

Allison tells us about how the design team at Seating Matters realized that they weren't making the most of their collective skills. To remedy this, they initiated a practice of presenting their CVs to each other, unveiling hidden talents within the team. Through this exercise, they ensured that team members worked on projects that matched their expertise, reducing wasted potential and fostering teamwork.

2. Not Sharing Learnings and Ideas: Streamlining Internal Communication

In the quest to eliminate waste, Seating Matters' team has made use of technology to facilitate efficient internal communication. By utilizing a tool called 'Search Everything,' they've transformed file searches, making it lightning-fast. This small change has had a big impact on productivity, demonstrating how streamlining technology can significantly enhance efficiency.

3. Being Difficult to Do Business With: Enhancing Customer Experience

In a bid to make life easier for their customers, Seating Matters has tackled the problem of vague website information. This initiative involved refining their website to make it user-friendly and optimizing the customer experience. Their creative approach resulted in reducing phone call times significantly, freeing customer service to focus on proactive problem-solving.

4. Vagueness of Messaging: Targeting the Right Audience

Effective marketing hinges on messaging tailored to the right audience. Seating Matters recognized that their primary customers weren't necessarily the end-users of their product. By shifting their focus to the caregivers, the decision-makers, they refined their messaging to create a deeper impact, leading to improved results.

5. Underutilized Technology: Process Optimization

Underutilized technology can be a considerable waste. Seating Matters implemented a range of technology solutions to address this waste. These included deduplication software for their CRM, streamlining the process of creating quotes, and integrating all customer interactions into a single software platform. These improvements enhanced efficiency and reduced manual tasks significantly.

6. Underutilized Networks: Leveraging Your Contacts

The power of your network is often underestimated. Seating Matters embarked on a journey to fully utilize their vast network of contacts across different regions and countries. They now segment their marketing efforts based on the location of their contacts, sending targeted messages. Furthermore, they seize every opportunity at events by looking for speaking opportunities, ensuring their message reaches a wider audience.

Seizing Opportunities

Opportunities are valuable resources that are often missed. Seating Matters realized the importance of actively seeking and capitalizing on opportunities. Whether it's through speaking at events or optimizing their engagement in tender processes, they are ensuring that no opportunity goes untapped.


Efficiency and waste reduction are not limited to manufacturing or production settings. Seating Matters' journey through the Sales and Marketing Six Wastes is a testament to how these principles can be applied to any department within an organization. By utilizing skills, technology, and networks to their full potential, and by fostering team collaboration, streamlining internal processes, and optimizing customer experiences, Seating Matters is setting an example for businesses looking to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

Are you ready to embark on a similar journey in your sales and marketing endeavors? Seating Matters' story is an inspiration for those looking to eliminate waste and boost efficiency. So, don't waste any more time – take a page from Seating Matters' book and start your own waste-reduction journey today!


Identifying and Eliminating the 6 Engineering Wastes


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